This survey builds on our 'Clean Energy Big Yarnin' survey for the wider community

This survey builds on our 'Clean Energy Big Yarnin' survey for the wider community.

It is being used to gather and record stakeholder feedback, as we work together to design Queensland's First Nations and Remote Clean Energy Strategy.

It will inform how we managed the transition to renewables, and where we prioritise investment.


Generally, as part of the clean energy transition in our isolated communities, where do you think the Government, Ergon Network or Ergon Retail should focus their efforts? 

Select your top 4.


For the remote community/s you represent... how satisfied do you think the community/s is with the reliability of the electricity supply?


For the remote community/s you represent... how concerned do you think members of the community are generally about their ongoing ability to pay their electricity bills, or top up their power cards?

Topics: safety / reliability-security-availability of supply / resilience / community plans / cost of living / energy affordability

The following yarn starters give you the chance to go deeper into some of the other energy-related topics above, taken from our talks to date. 

Feel free to skip ahead to the topics of specific interest to you.

Topics: environment / decarbonisation / cultural heritage / land stewardship
Topics: energy expertise / energy literacy
Topics: listening / collaboration
Topics: electrification / energy efficiency / metering / solar
Topics: jobs / local business opportunities
sustainable solutions / regional development

To help us understand your perspectives, and guide our future engagement efforts, please tell us a little about yourself. 


What role do you play in your community?


Which of Queensland's remote or isolated communities do you represent?

If completing this from an offline stakeholder discussion, please add name/s, location, event, date and actions here.

What best describes your interest in the clean energy transition...

To keep the conversation going, please provide your details:

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Thank you for your time and consideration.