Network Pricing Working Group

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Ergon Energy Network and Energex, as Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSP) are natural monopolies and, as such, are subject to economic regulation by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) under Chapter 6 of the National Electricity Rules. Under the current regulatory framework, every five years we submit Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements to the AER, setting out, among other things, our proposed investment plans, revenue allowances and tariff structures for the coming five-year regulatory control period.

The AER assesses our Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements and sets the efficient revenues and prices that we can recover from our customers for their use of our electricity distribution networks. The process of determining the efficient revenues and prices is referred to as the ‘Regulatory Determination’ or ‘Reset’ process. This revenue will form the distribution network component of customers’ retail electricity bills.

Through network tariff reform, we are able to create avenues for customers to benefit from reduced costs through the network tariffs we implement as part of the Tariff Structure Statements we submit to the AER in every five-year regulatory determination period. Our Network Tariffs play a crucial role in determining the total allowed revenue we can recover from customers through the Network charges in customers’ electricity bills.


Throughout 2024 and beyond, we believe it is important to continue our network pricing and tariff reform conversations with our customers and stakeholders as we plan into the future. Given the success of the NPWG to date, we have committed to the NPWG becoming a standing Working Group under Section 8: Working Groups of our Energy Queensland Customer & Community Council.

We look forward to collaborating on opportunities to reach consensus (where possible) for consideration into Ergon Energy Network's and Energex's network pricing and tariff reform into the future.

In February 2024, an expression of Interest was issued for new members to join the newly formed Network Pricing Working Group. There was a lot of interest from individuals across varying customer segments and after a vigorous shortlisting process, 13 members were selected.

Introducing your Network Pricing Working Group Members



Dale Holliss

Bundaberg Regional Irrigators Group

Francis Edwards

Capricorn Enterprise

Robyn Robinson

Council on the Ageing (COTA)

Mark Grenning

Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA)

Jay Whelan

Energy Australia

Daniel Sanders

Ergon Energy Retail

Neil Horrocks

Independent consultant

Mark Leslie Carkeet

Independent consultant

David Lethbridge

National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA)

David Warner

National Seniors Australia (NSA)

Jennifer Brownie

Queensland Electricity Users Network (QEUN)

Anne Nalder

Small Business Association of Australia (SBAA)

Gavin Dufty

St Vincent de Paul

Ergon Energy Network and Energex, as Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSP) are natural monopolies and, as such, are subject to economic regulation by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) under Chapter 6 of the National Electricity Rules. Under the current regulatory framework, every five years we submit Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements to the AER, setting out, among other things, our proposed investment plans, revenue allowances and tariff structures for the coming five-year regulatory control period.

The AER assesses our Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements and sets the efficient revenues and prices that we can recover from our customers for their use of our electricity distribution networks. The process of determining the efficient revenues and prices is referred to as the ‘Regulatory Determination’ or ‘Reset’ process. This revenue will form the distribution network component of customers’ retail electricity bills.

Through network tariff reform, we are able to create avenues for customers to benefit from reduced costs through the network tariffs we implement as part of the Tariff Structure Statements we submit to the AER in every five-year regulatory determination period. Our Network Tariffs play a crucial role in determining the total allowed revenue we can recover from customers through the Network charges in customers’ electricity bills.


Throughout 2024 and beyond, we believe it is important to continue our network pricing and tariff reform conversations with our customers and stakeholders as we plan into the future. Given the success of the NPWG to date, we have committed to the NPWG becoming a standing Working Group under Section 8: Working Groups of our Energy Queensland Customer & Community Council.

We look forward to collaborating on opportunities to reach consensus (where possible) for consideration into Ergon Energy Network's and Energex's network pricing and tariff reform into the future.

In February 2024, an expression of Interest was issued for new members to join the newly formed Network Pricing Working Group. There was a lot of interest from individuals across varying customer segments and after a vigorous shortlisting process, 13 members were selected.

Introducing your Network Pricing Working Group Members



Dale Holliss

Bundaberg Regional Irrigators Group

Francis Edwards

Capricorn Enterprise

Robyn Robinson

Council on the Ageing (COTA)

Mark Grenning

Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA)

Jay Whelan

Energy Australia

Daniel Sanders

Ergon Energy Retail

Neil Horrocks

Independent consultant

Mark Leslie Carkeet

Independent consultant

David Lethbridge

National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA)

David Warner

National Seniors Australia (NSA)

Jennifer Brownie

Queensland Electricity Users Network (QEUN)

Anne Nalder

Small Business Association of Australia (SBAA)

Gavin Dufty

St Vincent de Paul

Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025, 10:52 AM