Sustainability in Action
This consultation is for stakeholders interested in Energy Queensland’s overall performance as a group, and our progress against the Energy Charter principles.
Working together
2021-22 has seen us busy keeping the lights on for Queenslanders with the major floods in early 2022, while at the same time working together with our customers and other stakeholders to ensure we can continue to meet Queensland’s needs through the energy transition. Our Towards an Electric Life 2030 report outlines the challenge ahead, and showcases how we are creating value, with a performance snapshot. For more, you can read Energy Queensland Annual Report 2021-22. | ![]() |
And you can read Energy Queensland’s Energy Charter Disclosure Report 2021-22 for our progress against the Energy Charter principles along with the accompanying Energy Charter Customer and Stakeholder Feedback Report, which is now available and details our Customer and Community Council’s insights regarding our progress against The Energy Charter principles.
What matters most
This year saw us renew our Customer and Community Council to bring a broad cross section of voices to the table, and introduce two new corporate measures, for customer satisfaction and trust, to put customers at the centre of our decision-making.
We also undertook a second comprehensive assessment of the contribution we can best make to sustainability, considering the energy transformation underway, and the evolving priorities of stakeholders.
The primary topics (shown here) have guided the content of our reporting, and are providing a shared business-wide view of the sustainability issues that matter most.
Energy Charter
As a founding member of the Energy Charter, we remain committed to working across the energy supply chain to seek better outcomes for our customers and communities.
The Energy Charter upholds collective accountability within its member organisations, so customers can have confidence about their energy choices in the knowledge that the energy sector is working in their best interest.
As part of our accountability, we report annually on our progress against the five Energy Charter principles:
More information on the Energy Charter is also available at
So, how are we doing?
We’re keen to hear how you think we are performing, what is important, and where we can improve our service delivery.
Complete the survey below to rate our performance and provide any specific feedback you have that will help us focus our efforts, or to find out more.