Energy Inclusion and Vulnerability
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Consultation has concluded
Our response
- Our engagement with our customers in hardship, online access to rebates, and support at the first point of contact were all part of delivering on our commitments in our Financial Inclusion Action Plan – helping to bring disconnection for non-payment down by 12%.
- In May 2020 we launched a multimedia campaign to encourage customers to get in touch for support with bill extensions, payment plans or access to government rebates, concessions, grants and services, or further financial assistance.
- Ergon Retail has established a Domestic and Family Violence working party, who are looking at how we go beyond legislative requirements, and learn from Victoria’s model, in developing our approach.
- We continued to connect farmers to the government’s drought relief assistance for farmers and a range of other rebates.
- The Energy Savvy Families program was extended to give participating customers greater choice and control around their energy use. Eligible participants received a digital meter, monthly billing, and the HomeSmart Savvy electricity and budget management tool from Ergon Retail.
- To further support energy inclusion, and not leave anyone behind in the energy transition, the Sunny Savers trial continued to provide the public housing tenants participating access to the benefits of renewable energy.