Regulatory Determination Project 2025
Welcome to our Regulatory Determination Project page. This page is for customers and other stakeholders interested in keeping updated on our engagement activities for our investment and revenue recovery plans for 2025 to 2030. At Ergon Energy Network and Energex, as Queensland's electricity distributors, communications and engagement with our customers and stakeholders is a fundamental aspect of our daily operations.
About us
Ergon Energy Network delivers electricity to more than 761,000 homes and businesses across an area that spans 97 per cent of Queensland, while Energex delivers electricity to more than 1.6 million homes and businesses in South-East Queensland.
As Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSP) we are natural monopolies and, as such, are subject to economic regulation by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) under Chapter 6 of the National Electricity Rules. Under the current regulatory framework, every five years we submit Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements to the AER, setting out, among other things, our proposed expenditure and revenue recovery plans for the 2025-30 regulatory control period.
Our Revised Regulatory Proposals and Revised Tariff Structure Statements - December 2024
On 26 November 2024, Ergon Energy Network and Energex submitted our Revised Regulatory Proposals and Revised Tariff Structure Statements to the AER for the 2025-30 regulatory control period.
Our 2025-30 Revised Regulatory Proposals detail Ergon Energy Network’s and Energex’s updated proposed investments in Queensland’s electricity distribution networks from2025 to 2030. It builds on our Regulatory Proposals, which were published in January 2024 (see below), and details the investments we believe are necessary to provide clean, reliable, and smart electricity and efficiently delivering electricity services in the most affordable way. Our Revised Tariff Structure Statements (TSSs) outline and explain the network tariffs we will apply to customers in 2025-30 to recover the total allowed revenue. Our revenue is collected from our customers through network charges.
In submitting our Revised Regulatory Proposals, we have responded to the AER’s Draft Decisions for Ergon Energy Network and Energex by setting out where we accept the AER’s positions and where we have provided further supporting evidence to justify both some of our original and changed proposals. They also consider the insights, feedback and preferences of our customers and stakeholders gathered over the nearly 1000 hours of dedicated engagement, which commenced in 2022.
More recently, as per our Phase 5 Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Plan, this includes the feedback received in response to our original Regulatory Proposals, as well engagement activities with our Customer and Community Council, Reset Reference Group, Voice of the Customer Panels, Network Pricing Working Group, Large Customers, Retailers and Public Lighting Forum customers.
Collectively, our customers told us affordability is their number one concern, and at the same, time they expect us to uphold reliability, resilience, service, and safety. With this in mind, we have sought to strike the right balance between investing in the network to provide clean, reliable and smart electricity and efficiently delivering electricity services in the most affordable way.
In submitting our 2025-30 Revised Regulatory Proposals for 2025-30 to the AER, we are confident Ergon Energy Network and Energex have proposed future investments that balance our customers’ priorities, with a strong focus on affordability for all customers. Our 2025-30 Revised Regulatory Proposals include several interrelated elements, including:
Ergon Energy Network | Energex |
Revised Regulatory Proposal | Revised Regulatory Proposal |
Revised Regulatory Proposal Overview (plain language summary) | Revised Regulatory Proposal Overview (plain language summary) |
Revised Tariff Structure Statement | Revised Tariff Structure Statement |
Revised Tariff Structure Explanatory Statement | Revised Tariff Structure Explanatory Statement |
Our revised submissions are accompanied by a range of supporting information, including detailed attachments, external reports and models, are available on the AER's website:
Note: The Revised 2025-30 Regulatory Proposals should also be read in the context and with reference to our original 2025-30 Regulatory Proposals submitted to the AER in January 2024, which outlined our thinking at that point in time. See the January 2024 update further down on this page.
Our Revised Regulatory Proposals at a glance
Our 2025-30 Revised Regulatory Proposals clearly set out our strategic direction for the 2025-2030 regulatory control period and have been summarised for each network business in the ‘Regulatory Proposal at a glance’ below.
*Note* Given the network component of a customer’s energy bill only accounts for approximately one third of the total bill, the net bill increases for an average residential customer, attributable to the forecast increase in network charges, will be 1.5 per cent based on the average annual household energy bill.
Our Revised Ergon Energy Network 2025-30 Regulatory Proposal is also accompanied by an Ergon Energy Network Frequently Asked Questions.
*Note* Given the network component of a customer’s energy bill only accounts for approximately one third of the total bill, the net bill increases for an average residential customer, attributable to the forecast increase in network charges, will be 1.5 per cent based on the average annual household energy bill.
Our Energex 2025-30 Revised Regulatory Proposal is also accompanied by an Energex Frequently Asked Questions.
Next Steps
The AER’s Final Determination is expected in April 2025, with the new regulatory period commencing on 1 July 2025.
Customer and Stakeholder engagement - 2025 and beyond
In response to the learnings from the 2025–30 Regulatory Proposal customer and stakeholder engagement process, in early 2025 Ergon Energy Network and Energex will establish a new Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Framework. The framework will be designed to meet future regulatory reset requirements while supporting the broader Energy Queensland portfolio to deliver on our Customer Strategy and achieve the Corporate Strategic Plan 2032 objectives. It will integrate a dual focus on portfolio and regulatory priorities, and ensure engagement is future-focused, meaningful, and embedded into our business-as-usual operations, enabling sustained alignment with strategic goals and customer and stakeholder expectations.
Phase 5 Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Activities - April to November 2024
We have completed our Phase 5 engagement activities to support our Revised Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements submissions to the AER. Phase 5 engagement activities included revisiting key topics from Phases 1-4 and addressed new issues based on feedback from the AER, Customers and Stakeholders on our Regulatory Proposals. See the document library for supporting documentation.
Voice of the Customer Panels
We consolidated our previous Customer Focus Groups participants and Voice of the Customer Panels participants into new 27-member (Energex) and 29-member (Ergon Energy Network) Voice of Customer Panels (VCP). The panels provided insights into affordability, emphasising the need for efficiency and prudent investment, supported customer choice in network tariffs alongside education, and highlighted the importance of maintaining network reliability while managing growth in South East Queensland, and managing an ageing network in regional Queensland. Customers opposed the Customer Service Incentive Scheme (CSIS) framework but welcomed our independent Customer Service Performance Measures Scorecard which we will publish on our Ergon Energy Network and Energex websites to track key service metrics from 1 July 2025.
For more information, please see the Energex and Ergon Energy Network Voice of the Customer Panel reports:
- Energex: August 2024 Report, and October 2024 Report.
- Ergon Energy Network: August 2024 Report, and October 2024 Report.
Network Pricing Working Group
Throughout 2024, the Network Pricing Working Group (NPWG) explored detailed tariff topics, including load control, two-way pricing, storage tariffs, and demand tariffs, with agreed positions informing the Ergon Energy Network and Energex Tariff Structure Explanatory Statements. Members told us that they want network tariff reform to proceed with equity, fairness, and cost-reflectivity in mind and with greater information, education and awareness provided to enable informed tariff choices and investment decisions. Consequently, we will continue to refine our network tariffs to enable our customers to benefit from the energy transition and reduce their network bill by changing their consumption patterns. We are also committed to exploring network tariff and energy efficiency information campaigns and support mechanisms for our customers.
For more information, please see the NPWG Summary Report- 14 October 2024, which details the NPWG member issues and responses.
AER's Draft Decisions released - September 2024
On 23 September 2024, The AER published their Draft Decisions, for Ergon Energy Network and Energex.
The AER’s Draft Determinations is their response to our Ergon Energy Network and Energex 2025-30 Regulatory Proposals, submitted in January 2024 and provides an overview of their assessment or our current proposals.
The AER is accepting feedback until 17 January 2025. Interested customers and stakeholders are invited to make a submission on the AER's Draft Decisions for Ergon Energy Network and Energex, and the Ergon Energy Network's and Energex's Revised Regulatory Proposal and Tariff Structure Statements.
Submissions should be sent to:
AER Issues Paper, Public Forum and Consultation period - April to May 2024
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) conducted a public engagement process to gather customer and stakeholder feedback on our Ergon Energy Network and Energex Regulatory Proposals for the 2025-30 regulatory period, submitted in January 2024. This included the release of an Issues Paper and public forum.
- On April 11, 2024, over 80 people joined the AER’s Issues Paper Public Forum where Ergon Energy Network and Energex outlined our investment strategies and revenue recovery plans for 2025-30. Discussions centred on proposed capital expenditures and network tariff structures. View the presentation here.
- In addition, the AER provided an overview of some of the key issues they were inviting feedback on in relation to our proposals.
- The AER’s public consultation closed on May 15, 2024.
RRG Engagement Reports now available - March 2024
The Reset Reference Group (RRG) is an independent advisory group, comprising three customer representatives from our Customer and Community Council together with two external regulatory and customer focused experts. We engaged the RRG to collaborate constructively with us in developing and implementing our Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Plan and to challenge us on our thinking in relation to investment and revenue recovery issues pertaining to our Regulatory Proposal. The RRG’s primary focus is to ensure that customer needs and preferences are of paramount consideration by our business. The RRG will produce a series of independent reports to the AER assessing us on various aspects of our engagement activities. Please see the Ergon Energy Network and Energex Engagement Reports, and the Ergon Energy Network and Energex Technical Issues Reports. | ![]() |
2025-30 Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements - January 2024
On 31 January 2024, Ergon Energy Network and Energex submitted our Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements to the AER for the 2025-30 regulatory control period.
Ergon Energy Network | Energex |
Regulatory Proposal | Regulatory Proposal |
Regulatory Proposal Overview (plain language summary) | Regulatory Proposal Overview (plain language summary) |
Tariff Structure Statement | Tariff Structure Statement |
Tariff Structure Explanatory Statement | Tariff Structure Explanatory Statement |
These documents, which are accompanied by a range of supporting information, including detailed attachments, external reports and models, are available on the AER's website:
Our Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and Engagement Plan
Our Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements have been developed with input from our customers and stakeholders over the past two years, and almost 800 hours of dedicated engagement activity at time of submission. From the outset, our focus was to produce customer centric Regulatory Proposals that align closely with our customers' current and future needs and preferences.
Developing Regulatory Proposals is a significant undertaking and involves multiple teams across Ergon Energy Network and Energex, working in close partnership with our customers, communities, and other stakeholders.
Building on our business-as-usual engagement activities, we set out to explore how we could best understand Queensland’s future energy needs with our customers and other stakeholders. In late 2022, we invited a range of interested customers and stakeholders to co-design a Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and subsequently in consultation with our Customer and Community Council agreed a Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Plan to bring our strategy to life.
Additionally, to facilitate in depth exploration on key aspects of our investment and revenue recovery plans we established the Ergon Energy Network and Energex Reset Reference Group (RRG). The RRG has challenged us on our thinking to ensure customers interests were paramount, and the engagement process was authentic, and insights obtained were reflected in our decision-making process.
Following the submission of our Regulatory Proposals to the AER in January 2024, we completed Phases 1-4 of our engagement plan (see above), and to support the submission of our Revised Regulatory Proposals in November 2024, we completed our Phase 5 Engagement Plan.
Our Phases 1-4 engagement activities have been summarised in our Ergon Energy Network Engagement Summary Report and our Energex Engagement Summary Report.
As outlined in the documents provided, all documentation relating to the various engagement activities can be found in our Document Library (opposite).
Should you require any additional information about our 2025-30 Regulatory or the consultation process please email: