The conversation so far

Across the Energy Queensland Group we’re committed to listening to our customers and our other stakeholders to better understand what really matters to them.
With our industry undergoing a period of rapid transformation, an open dialogue is critical to enabling diversity of thought, innovation and ultimately better, more sustainable, customer-driven solutions.
The conversations we have with you are fundamental to creating real value for our customers and our business, and for Queensland.
Our engagement principles
We’re committed to ensuring:
- we’re accessible and inclusive in engaging interested or impacted stakeholders
- our communications are easily understood, timely and appropriate
- open transparency in our decision making processes and outcomes
- our engagement is responsive and improves with feedback and measurement.
Engaging for 2020 and Beyond
We are currently developing our network investment plans, and tariff structures for 2020 and beyond.
To inform our thinking here, we’ve progressed through a major, coordinated community and customer engagement plan. We are now at the Explain phase. To find out more about these efforts take a look at our Community and Customer Engagement Report.
Some of the highlights have been:
- Our independent market research and our own online energy-related surveys
- Our Community Leader Forums
- Our Regulatory Proposal – Tariff Structure Statement Working Group.
We have also had some great engagement around our Demand Management Program, and associated non-network alternatives.
The insights gained through these activities has seen us review our approach on a number of fronts, and gives us great confidence that the proposals we are now sharing will enable us to deliver a bright energy future for Queensland, with the Australian Energy Regulator’s support.
We have provided our future plans to the Australian Energy Regulator. They will assist them in determining what we are allowed to charge customers to use our network from 2020 to 2025.
We’ve also submitted our Tariff Structure Statements, detailing our proposed network tariffs.
What’s happening?
Register today for updates on the conversation.
In early February we are providing a full briefing on our proposals to our customer representatives and other stakeholders. Please get in touch if you are interested in more information.
We’re talking to all of our stakeholders
As a Queensland Government owned corporation, we engage with our Shareholding Ministers and their respective offices, and the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Treasury (DNRME). We also work closely with a range of other Queensland and Australian Government bodies.
While our government engagement activities are not detailed on this page, they do help to inform our strategic direction and our service delivery. In turn, we will keep our government stakeholders informed on the insights from this engagement program.
The AER sets the revenue we are allowed to collect as a distribution business every five years, and oversees other national regulations.
We also engage with state-based regulators, both within departments and including the QCA who set regional Queensland’s notified retail electricity prices.
Again, while not part of this plan, in documenting our customer/community engagement plan here we are seeking to show our regulators how we are engaging to shape our Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements.
End use customers
We have 2.2 million customers connected to our networks across Queensland – we service the state’s largest commercial and industrial businesses, its 224,000 small to medium enterprises, and 1,983,000 residential homes.
Around 700,000 of these are in regional Queensland and are retail customers. We engage with our customers directly on a day to day basis, through research, and we also engage with their many different customer advocacy groups.
Industry partners
Our industry partners along the supply chain include electricity generators and retailers, and our industry’s other transmission and distribution service providers.
We also work in partnership with property developers, builders, electrical contractors and solar installers/suppliers and other technology providers who service and, ultimately, connect Queensland’s homes and businesses to our network.
Community stakeholders
We engage with the general public across Queensland, from the Tweed River to the Torres Strait, both through our mass market communications and operationally on an individual service basis from our 137 geographically disperse service depots and offices.
To ensure we are meeting our communities’ needs at the local level we also engaging across each of our 17 operational areas with elected community representatives, local business/industry groups, the local councils and other community leaders.
Our 7,000 plus employees live and work across Queensland throughout our service area.
They are both employees and customers. Many are also very active in their communities, appreciating the unique challenges faced by the many and diverse communities we serve. Others are actively participating in the engagement activities outlined in this plan.
Bringing all of this engagement together will ensure our employees have an up to date, balanced understanding of what our customers’ value.
Our aim is to be a truly customer-centric organisation.